Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reading Succes?

So in Class we are reading this book called “FREAKONOMICS” by Steven D Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner which as a reader I feel it is very lucid, it states facts that are interesting to me.

 This reading process for me has been OK, I don’t necessarily go out of my way to read this book, so I kind of have to force myself to read and also because it has been directed to be a Homework assignment. So when I read I tend to lose focus and start looking for distractions.

 In order for me to focus I would have to underline sentences so I can maintain focused and actually “read” the book. It actually helps me understand what I'm reading as well so I believe that is a great strategy for readers like me. To make sure I was keeping up with the assigned reading schedule I would use the time when I was actually doing exactly nothing and very bored. I would read on Bart which is a 45 minute commute to School and another 45 minute on the way home which knocked out about the whole chapter, that’s when I did most of my reading.

Other times I read were if I was preparing the assigned Homework assignment to go along with the reading such being a commentator or summarizing the chapter I have read. So all in all this reading process for me has been... let’s just say getting the job done.


  1. I like your honesty about how you get distracted when reading and how you have to force yourself to read. I think you should try to find some ways to figure out how to not get distracted. Maybe find a quiet place that tends to help me when i am reading.

  2. Be honest devon you despise the book or just don't like it.
